With what it has begun... I Was born, from the historical point of view, yesterday, that is in 1960, on October, 4th. My father - Ivan Afanasevich Papchenko, mother - Lydia Danilovna Papchenko, in Kondratenko's girlhood.

Has sheltered our family tiny station settlement Janpol (nowadays it is settlement Privokzalnyj) Sumy area Ukrainian ССР where, perhaps, a unique significant building at that time was railway station. Yanpol, strung as if a bead, on a string of the Southwest railway, it was lost in coppices, southern, already diluted by fields, spurs of Bryansk woods. I was on the tramp in these coppices as to watch me there was nobody. My mum hard was ill with a tuberculosis when to me year was executed, and it had to be treated long. The father has left us. And I lived with the grandfather. But as it could follow me...

My grandfather
I, Mom and Dad
On the station
5 years

Once we have returned from walk, and to the grandfather it became bad. Probably, has taken heart. Has already darkened and, to find medicines to the grandfather, and it saw nasty, it was necessary to include light. And to rise from a chair it also cannot. And I cannot reach the switch. The grandfather looked-looked, how I jump, and have begun to cry - old and small. Our family lived somehow habitually poorly. Our neigbour, the old woman, in a small house had an earthen floor, and nobody surprised it. The TV at us, naturally, was not. Was radio. An ancient radio-gramophone. On which the grandfather occasionally listened, as I now recollect, «the Voice of Vatican » or something in this sort...

And in general in settlement, a certain religious Christian sect lived in common people of these these citizens named baptists, and so I together with mum visited, so-called assemblies. It seemed to me boring enough pastime. Together with adults I listened to the Bible readable aloud, however it could be more likely the Gospel. Then we prayed, in a lap...

To look after me there was nobody, and consequently I since 1965 of veins in children's home of pretty and small town Ahtyrka. Children's home.

All in my station childhood was rough - trunks of trees, fences, furniture - wooden of boards a sofa, a bench, even the utensils was rough. Therefore, perhaps, the first strong aesthetic impression on me has made ordinary, in a red peas, saucer and in it a hill on a grater boiled carrot. Saucer stood on faultlessly equal, absolutely equal, it is impossible for an equal, white plastic table-top. To a word, boiled carrot I hate till now... And how this all to understand? Well it but so it is beautifully looked on saucer is not pleasant to me!

Since 1967 i lived and studied in a boarding school of the city of Shostka of the Sumy area Ukrainian ССР. Mum nearby, in tubercular hospital settlement Voronezh. It in ten kilometers from Shostka. And nevertheless, probably, because of specificity of its illness, there were we not often. Sometimes I called to it. Sometimes it to me. In that case, the person on duty on the sleeping case ran out in a court yard and was carried: «Papchenko, to phone! » As it is insulting, that in those days yet did not know cellular telephones!

Under the request of mum, has over me issued guardianship Antonina Nikitichna Hvist. That is, I still studied in a boarding school, and all days off and a vacation spent in regional center Yampol, at the grandmother. Its family has replaced to me native family, how much it in general is possible. I remember, every Monday I rushed on a five-hour morning electric train to be in time in a boarding school prior to the beginning of employment. As now I see - a fog. The bridge through small river Ivotku. It seemed to me then, that so lonely I shall never not feel myself any more. I ran last one hundred meters - street lasted lengthways cemetery fence...

When to me it was executed nine years - mum has died. It have buried at station Janpol (settlement Privokzalniy). There very small cemetery. Tiny...

Overcoming all attempts of my teachers of Russian and a Ukranian language of languages and literatures, Olga Ivanovny Shuljak and Nina Ivanovny Pasechnik to train me, I read books. Long live library of a name of A. P.Chekhov on Petuhovka, suburb Shostka! It seems, I have read there if not everything half, it is exact...

In 1974 the father has died.

Mine school nickname - Slippers. And in general the boarding school is a lot of, for such brief biography as this and consequently Let it pass, we shall leave it...

In 1977 I have ended a boarding school and have acted in film-technical school of city of Rostov-on-Don. Sixteen years, the first big travel, southern night, smells of cooling down asphalt, confectionery aromas of «exotic» fruit... For the first time in the life I wander at night on station with some sum of money of a pocket, allowing, however, to feel the magnate. In the dozing consciousness which has become stupid from railway station of a crowd, noise and bright fires, the reality transformed to something imperceptibly fantastic. Then I have guessed, that some hours were happy...

During study in film-technical school, earned additionally in park it. Vitja Cherevichkin at a cinema «Satellite» as a cinema mechanic...

1980 - service in army. Railway armies. Army-school - in Chernigov: road-metal, a shovel, lime, railway accident, we restore road, young sergeant. «Mashka! Give!» On an appeal «give» we, having passed crow-bars under a sleeper lattice, amicably them we tear, shifting on millimeter rails... Hospital. The first wounded men from Afghanistan. From учебки - to Kareliya... The tent small town which has Sunk in snows near Kondopoga meets us wild cries - the drunk lieutenant, from a roof of a barrack shouts: «Mum! Mummy! Take away me from here!»

Having got demobilize in 1982, worked in native Yampol in a dry-cleaner, therefrom it was translated on a local factory in repair brigade, then in a cinema «Salute» - the film-mechanic. And, at last, per 1984 has moved to Sverdlovsk and it was arranged on the Sverdlovsk film studio. In the beginning worked дольщиком, that is pushed the carriage with a movie camera, then the supermechanic, the assistant to the cameraman, the second cameraman...

At the shooting of the film
At the shooting of the film
At the shooting of the film
At the shooting of the film

Feature films in which shootings I took part:

  • «One and withoutthe weapon » (Director V.Hotinenko, cameraman B.Shapiro)
  • «Ashberry nights». (Director O.Kobzev, cameraman Osennikov)
  • «The Gold woman». (Director O.Kobzev, the cameraman Mayer)
  • «The Gulf Happiness». ( Director V.Laptev)
  • «The Command 33». (Director N.Gusarov, the cameraman Mayer)
  • «This bitter можевельник». (Director B.Halzanov)

In 1987 is accepted in state SGTRK (the Sverdlovsk state broadcasting company), the television cameraman. In this quality observed all postreorganization alarm that refers to from within. For example: on August, 19th, 1991 in deserted pavilion met on work democracy. Very much was nervously... And on October, 4th, 1993, in the birthday, besides on work, again met next turmoil. In 2005 has left Sverdlovsk TV and since then on free breads.

The Union of the Russian writers has entered per 1997.

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